Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου 2012


Man: God, the Father, is incorruptible and he made man according to His image and to His likeness, this means man is incorruptible, eternal and immortal. When Man is driven by the spirit and by God’S logic, he can improve his understanding of the wisdom of God. Inevitably God’s wisdom will prevail in every person and on the entire earth.

Man: man is a logical being with the capability to deify himself.

Man: Man is able to create, to improve and by his thoughts to achieve all his goals. Man personifies the grace and the law of Christ.

Man: The big mystery is that man encompasses the trinity. He consists of:

A) A soul (life) which is the physical life of man, like every other creature on earth,

B) The body which is composed

1) solid (bonds flesh)

2) liquid (water blood)

3) Air (oxygen), and

C) The most important and unique element which exists only in man, is the spirit.

This spirit through the written word can manifest itself in powers and actions of a material nature through man. It can be a thought and through our hands, becomes a physical substance that forms the existing world. All this emanates from the spirit (source God). All these material objects that the spirit creates and develops in laboratories comes from invisible matter. Man by thought alone, (faith unshaped matter and spirit) can give shape to the unshaped matter that exists around us.

Jesus Christ using the unshaped matter was performing miracles; he multiplied bread and fish, resurrected dead, created eyes, extended hands on one-handed people, walked on the sea and many more. Jesus gave hope and courage by saying: You shall do more than me. It is for this reason that Jesus came on earth. He wanted us to become aware and revive our abilities. These spiritual powers will start operating in us when we acquire the highest virtue, humbleness. In this way we can solve the mystery of life and our presence (by the Holy Spirit). Through the living faith that exists in the Word, God created the entire material and spiritual world. The Word has unlimited power. Jesus said: if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move. John’s epistle states: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. For this reason Jesus states: Whatever you ask in my name with faith you will receive it.

Man’s rebirth into Godliness can commence only when he is open to receive the Holy Spirit, faith, speak the kind word, practice’s unconditional love and adopts within him the Holy Gospel (the Word). Once on this path, humankind will unite because this spirit of God will dissolve differences amongst different races, will destroy borders, improve man and will abolish the dogmas and the fanaticism that currently exists. This is the Holy Spirit.

The spirit creates thought in man, gives physical life and allows us to evolve with God’s logic. It manifests its gifts and shows us its fruits and all other signs of God.

God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.

When we look for God, He lets us know that he is inside us and that he can be revealed by the Spirit. God instills life, wisdom and logic in His Gospel and He is pouring it to us all. AMEN.

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