Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου 2012


Devil: The Devil has a trait, he first urges you to make the mistake and then he reveals the mistake with intention to humiliate you. The humiliation requires a lot of goodness to become a blessing. God allows and enables man who sins to be born again, free from this sin.

Devil: Evil cannot be defeated by doing one’s cross, preaching or other spiritual action. Evil will be defeated only when we defeat our evil self by the Word of God. Let us fill up our inner world with the wisdom of God and let us be aware of the fact that when we cooperate with Jesus Christ, we will never be defeated. Once the spirit of Christ enters in us there is no place for another spirit to enter. Having the spirit of Christ gives us a peaceful state where we are protected from every adversary whether it be spiritual or material. Men of God are capable to guard their bodies, and allow themselves to be led by incorruptible elements.

Devil: The evil can dominate our spirit and our body. By doing so it subjugates us to its law and its fruits like egoism, wickedness, lying, judgement, death.

Devil: Man is God’s dwelling, likewise evil likes to dwell in man. We know from Jesus Christ’s words that evil is a murderer, ruler of death, and a father of lying. He wants to make us followers leading us to death to perish, in contrast, Jesus wants to make us followers to eternal life. How? Evil is observing us and following us continuously accompanied with lies (he is the father of lying). By God’s concession evil governs the world by lies. Lying reigns from ocean to ocean, lying tries to erect a palace in a man’s heart. We see men, women, and children participating in lies. In fact we all made a deal unknowingly or knowingly to lie and inevitably no one (without the help of God) is able to walk away from this system.

Devil: Evil dwells where there is no humbleness. Evil stirs up all our thoughts and slowly but surely dominates our entire self.

Devil: God creates man in his image and according to his likeness but evil manages to deviate God’s creation. The human race begs to be like the first created, unfortunately, through him, evil handed out to all humanity lies, liabilities and weaknesses.

In the Old Testament God appeared to Abraham, evil appeared to men by liabilities. Although God created man immortal (according to his image and his likeness) evil by lies and liabilities has turned him into mortal. This is evil’s nature, to kill man and then hide behind lies and false theories disabling man from understanding that God is life. God is not death. With all these lies, evil has established a way of life leading to death. In fact only Jesus Christ uncovered his terrible and lethal behavior. Jesus named him the father of lie, ruler of the darkness of this century, the master of death and He gave it to us by a new covenant (New Testament). Now evil has sneakily chosen to hide himself in our passions and in our weaknesses. AMEN.

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